Articles categorized as Travel & Lifestyle

Are you a consumer or creator?

are you a consumer or creator - brad hussey

As a society and modern culture, we are addicted to consumption & instant gratification. Smartphones are little miracle machines that have brought great joy, progress and value to our hyper-connected world. But the hours we spend glued to our screens are also destroying us, our focus, our productivity and our creativity (not to mention the […]

Why You Should Expect More of Yourself

expect more of yourself - brad hussey

We weren’t made to be average, so why do we aim to be average? Our average expectations of ourselves put a ceiling on our ability to achieve a better outcome in our lives — health, relationships, marriages, spiritual lives, businesses and our finances. What would happen if we expected more of ourselves in every aspect […]

The Compound Effect of Small Decisions. Decision icon by Becris from the Noun Project

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”The compound effect of a small decision” artist=”Brad Hussey” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ] Think of the biggest accomplishment you’ve had in your life. Getting hired for that dream job. Overcoming a huge hurdle. Starting a family. Running successful business. It was a pretty big decision to say “Yes” To that job offer To […]

I have a deaf student. This post is about him.

[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”I have a Deaf student. This is about him.” artist=”Brad Hussey” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ] Harold is Deaf. So, you will understand my surprise when I found out he had been learning how to build websites by watching my coding courses on Udemy. I was humbled to hear that he took advantage of […]

If there were a formula for crafting the perfect freelance product or service, there would be only five essential ingredients. Find the place where you can have the deepest impact Unleash your best and remove the rest No pain, no gain Validate your idea Launch a Minimum Viable Product When it comes to your client, […]