The world needs the real you (not the groomed & handcrafted version)

When you discover your purpose, understand your mission, define concrete values, and have a vision for your life & business, suddenly you become more yourself, and your true path becomes apparent.

The benefits of this realization include:

  • Razor focus
  • You grow a backbone
  • Elimination waste & things that don’t matter
  • You get to the point
  • Acquire long-term vision
  • Patience for the long road if it means better success down the line

There are also downsides, however:

  • Having to say “no” to certain people or opportunities
  • It can be offensive or annoying to some people, especially if they don’t agree with you
  • Opting out of instant gratification in exchange for delayed gratification, which can be challenging
  • It’s vulnerable and scary to define yourself, your values & mission and make it clear to the world, your friends & customers

As the old saying goes, “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

It’s true. I believe that if you don’t know your mission, define a vision or discover your core values — you’re a blank slate for somebody else to impart their mission, vision and values onto you. Like a sponge that soaks up the trends, ideologies & compelling ideas that make the most noise or appeals at the moment.

Following a trend is easy; there’s no friction. It’s comfortable to say “yes.” Avoiding conflict or disagreement is natural.

Standing your ground is hard. It’s difficult to say “no.” It’s hard to stick to your principles when somebody else is telling you that you are wrong.

But here’s the hard truth.

The world needs you.

Not society’s groomed & hand-crafted version of you.

And you don’t get to be yourself when you follow everybody else’s rules.

And forgive me for sounding too forward, but…

If you want to stand a hair of a chance at succeeding in business, creating work that matters to you, and providing for your family & community in a meaningful way…

You must actually know what matters to you.

You must discover what you were made for.

You must intimately understand what you’re afraid of.

You must get to know the person you spend the most time with… yourself.

You must build your foundation on your Vision, Mission, Values.

Before you can help solve other people’s problems, solve your own. Put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others.

That’s what many business courses, MBAs, or some “Insta-preneurs” won’t tell you.

Because in our “me, me, me” culture of “self-service,” it’s much easier to sell the glamour of “the good life” than it is to sell the reality of meaningful work and “selfless service.”

I could have made a business course about how to get rich, achieve “the good life,” and serve yourself. That would be easy for me to accomplish. I have a theatre background, I’m highly extroverted, and I have no problem selling.

But I didn’t do that.

There are no tricks up my sleeve. And my unapologetic approach of fixing yourself, building a foundation, hard work and serving others will probably turn some people off.

But if you’re the type of person who’s disenchanted with the way things are, and you’re ready to dig deep, work hard and launch a business doing work that matters to you, I’d like to invite you to walk with me further on this journey.

In tomorrow’s video, I’ll give you info about my brand new course, called LAUNCH, plus an opportunity to get early access for a truly reasonable price.

If you’re not afraid to dive deep, do hard work, and you’re ready to take an honest approach to learn how to start a business from scratch, in any niche, even if you have no customers, no offer, and no idea where to start — LAUNCH may be an excellent fit for you.

Keep an eye out for my video in your inbox tomorrow.


p.s. Comment below & share your thoughts on today’s video!

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