Articles categorized as Hacking a Freelance Career

Celebrate Small Wins: Stay Motivated While Working Towards Your Big Goals

The early stages of building a freelance career can be a rocky road. You’re battling a crippling fear of failure all while trying to grow your client list, deliver quality work, and pay the bills. It’s easy when you’re in the thick of it all — the “fog of war” as I prefer to call […]

Overcoming the fear of failure in your freelance career

Being your own boss is the dream of many. Alas, it’s a reality for precious few. In Canada, self-employed people represent only about 15% of the working population. That’s less than 2 in 10 people. While I’m sure many of the remaining 85% are happy with their current employment situation, or have no desire to […]

Freelancing from scratch: How to start with no experience

How do you build a freelance career when you have no experience, no clients, and no skills? You have to start somewhere—even if it’s right at the bottom of the ladder. Don’t fret! It’s actually quite easy to get started. Since my expertise is web design and development, I’m going to focus on what’s required […]